Sunsets : Vivir Cada Minuto Intensamente

Nov 12, 2012

U Bein Bridge Sunset
Mandalay, Burma

"Live life to the fullest. It's the best way. Live every moment intensely. Because life is too short, and the moment comes when we're going to die, and we'd have wished to do so many things we didn't. That's why we have to enjoy every moment. One must enjoy life. Try not to acquire so many things, but instead have experiences. Accomplish everything you want to do, no matter the effort that it deserves. Life is too short and one must relish it." – from departures. Season 2 : Chile episode 

And in Spanish, a language I’m slowly falling in love with. Especially the line “Vivir cada minuto intensamente.” or “Live every moment intensely.” Try saying it out loud. Don’t you just love the word intensamente? I do. :) (Thanks to my friend Paul for the text of the Spanish translation.) 

Viva la vida a concho. Es la mejor manera. Vivir cada minuto intensamente porque la vida es muy corta y de repente, llega el momento en que nos vamos a morir y habrĂ­amos deseado hacer las cosas que no las hicimos. Por eso, cada minuto hay que disfrutarlo. Hay que disfrutar de la vida. No tratar de tener tantas cosas, de adquirir tantas cosas sino que de tener vivencia. Lograr todo que queremos hacer. No importa la fuerza que esto se merezca pero vale la pena. La vida es muy corta y hay que gozarla. 

Often in life when our world seems to be so small, our lives so routinary, that we feel like it is all that we could ever have, all that we could ever experience. But there are a few people who are constantly looking for those experiences when we would feel more alive. When we would feel so connected with everything – the people around us, the wind, the breeze, the sun, and the sky. For me, I feel all of these when I see a sunset. When the color changes from orange to red, or just the spectacle of colors before the day turns into night, before it becomes dark. 

Sunsets, especially those I see when I travel, remind me of days that were lived intensamente – I was true to myself, I was open to new things and ideas, I experienced, I laughed, and I loved. 

Coron Sunset
Malcapuya Island, Coron, Palawan

Chomrong Sunset
Chomrrong, Annapurna Sanctuary Trek, Nepal

Machapuchare Base Camp, Nepal
Machapuchare Base Camp, Annapurna Sanctuary Trek, Nepal

Deurali Sunset
Deurali, Annapurna Sanctuary Trek, Nepal

Nong Khiaw
Nong Khiaw, Laos

Luang Prabang Sunset
Luang Prabang, Laos

Port Barton 3
Port Barton, Palawan

Bagan Sunset
Bagan, Burma

Bagan Sunset
Bagan, Burma

Bagan Sunset
Bagan, Burma

I can't wait to see another sunset as beautiful as these ones. :) © . Design by Berenica Designs.